Anchor Baptist Church, Des Moines
Anchor Baptist Church is a local flock of believers on the NE side of Des Moines under the shepherding care Pastor Danny Capon. Pastor Danny first came to this church (at that time still under the name of Grandview Park Baptist Church) around 2004 while still attending school at FBBC&TS. Danny soon began serving the church through the office of Deacon and then in 2011 he became Assistant Pastor alongside Senior Pastor Robert Smith. God continued to call Danny further into pastoral ministry in September of 2015 when he became the Senior Pastor in succession of Pastor Smith.
Pastor Danny faithfully and humbly led this church family through some interesting, difficult, tenuous yet sanctifying and unifying times in the initial years of his pastorate. He provided oversight and leadership through many transitions including a name change, temporary gathering locations, a capital campaign and moving into a new property/facility. Pastor Danny has diligently worked to teach, preach, model, and encourage a Bible-based Word-centered culture of discipleship with the members of Anchor Baptist Church. Along the way Anchor Baptist Church has worked to mentor and develop young men from within the church’s membership who aspire to the office of pastor as well. Recently this effort has led to connecting with other churches in the IARBC who are in various stages of seeking a new pastor. This specific pastoral discipling has also included working with a number of pastoral interns. One of these interns was transitioned to a part time staff as Ministry Coordinator to serve alongside Pastor Danny. As of March 1st of this year, Nate Hatting is now serving on staff full time as Ministry Coordinator.
Anchor has now been in their new building for just over 15 months and continues to marvel at God’s faithfulness to them. Average weekly attendance has grown by 50 people over the past year and many new members have been added to the church. Anchor has sought to strategically connect with its new surrounding community. There are new visitors nearly every week who are welcomed, engaged, connected and followed up with. With a rightfully renewed commitment to making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ, evangelism occurs through gospel-minded relationships with those whom God places in the lives of each and every member of Anchor Baptist Church. Further equipping and Bible training occurs weekly through preaching, prayer, worship, serving, 1:1 and group Bible studies and obedience to the ‘one-another’ commands of God’s Word.
Please pray for Anchor Baptist Church as they desire to faithfully steward what God is given them and humbly follow him wherever he is leading.