Ordination & Installation for David Chambers
David Chambers Jr. Ordained and Installed as Pastor at SonRise Baptist Church, Adel
Article by Pastor Kevin Subra
An ordination council was held for David Chambers on July 27th. The council recommended that SonRise Baptist Church proceed with his ordination. The SonRise assembly formally ordained and called David as their pastor on July 28th during their morning service. A formal installation service was held that afternoon, with several men participating that had influenced the candidate over the years. David's father, Pastor David Chambers Sr, pastor of Manistique Bible Church, presided over the installation and gave the charge to his son (what a special time!). Pastor Josh Robinson of Altoona Regular Baptist Church gave the charge to the church.
Please continue to pray for SonRise Baptist Church. We are thankful for what God has been doing during the time of their interim pastorate, and for those that have committed to serving this vital work. If you are interested in helping this church become further reestablished and reach the greater Adel area, please contact Pastor David at savedsteward@gmail.com.